This is Abracadaniel from the Adventure Time episode: "Wizard Battle".
"Wizard Battle" is my favorite Adventure Time episode so far, and Abracadaniel is my favorite side character. So naturally, I wanted to do a short review of the episode and paint Abracadaniel in all his phallic-looking-rainbow-wielding glory.
5/5 Stars

Read the review after the jump.
“The battle for supremacy, amongst Masters of Magic: WIZARD BATTLE”. I think I like "Wizard Battle" so much because it brings me a sense of nostalgia. When I was little I was super into pokemon, in fact I still remember exactly where I was when I opened my holographic charizard card. I was also really into shows like G Gundam, Zoids, and Sailor Moon. When I watched these shows I loved the idea of each person or robot or pokemon or whatever having their own special power AND super cool but probably not totally functional design and battling it out. "Wizard Battle" injects those elements into Adventure Time’s realm, which of course puts a spin of wacky humor and shenanigans on everything. The episode makes me nostalgic and also makes me laugh, which is a pretty winning combination.
Aside from my own reasons for liking it, I think "Wizard Battle" is one of Adventure Time’s more memorable episodes, mainly because it excels at what Adventure Time is really good at: Bizarre humor and amusing characters. Abracadaniel and the Grand Wizard are both great additions to Adventure Time’s library of already great characters. I mean, just the name Abracadaniel makes me laugh and everyone likes cats, so who wouldn’t be able to relate to the Grand Wizard?
Check out the Episode Wizard Battle in Season 3 of Adventure Time on Amazon Instant Video here:
Check out Adventure Time in general:
Also, if you're into Adventure Time you'll probably be into Bravest Warriors, another series by Pen Ward that's part of Cartoon Hangover on YouTube. Check it here:
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